Integrarea īn strategiile de dezvoltare a companiilor romānesti a conexiunii comunicaţionale dintre mediul antreprenorial si cel academic, factor al lichidării efectelor crizei economice

Autor (i): Conf. univ. dr. Mihaela Asandei, Lect. univ. dr. Laura Dindire, Asist. univ. Camelia Chirilă
The present paper has a dual purpose: on the one hand to present the importance of corporate communication in increasing company performance, distinguishing between the general public and the stakeholders – academia being part of the latter category and, on the other hand, to define the need for greater involvement from the two environments: academic and entrepreneurial in improving cooperation and communication. According to the latest EU report on the modernization of higher education, universities must become the engine of regional development. This paper also presents an extensive research conducted by the European Association for Education and Research in Public Relations (EUPRERA) and the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD). It is an international study, at the fourth annual edition, conducted on a sample of 1955 participants from 46 countries, the main objective of the research being to monitor the trends in communication management and assessing the impact of the global crisis upon the communication departments and agencies. Having this large study as standard, a team of Constantin Brāncoveanu University of Pitesti, made up of teachers and master students acknowledged the need to find involvement, locally, in a project to support local businesses through cooperation, communication and advice provided by university. Thus, within the subject "Communication, negotiation, contracting" it has been established a selective research-based questionnaire, at the level of the Arges county. The study theme is to identify the level of cooperation and communication between business and academia in the Arges County.
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