Direcţii ale schimbării mediului organizaţional actual din Romānia īn vederea depăsirii crizei economice

Autor (i): Lect. univ. dr. Denisa Elena Parpandel
Cuvinte cheie: change, organization, economic crisis, directions, organizational environment
Contemporary society is marked by a defining feature, namely the change, which manifests itself at all levels of human activity. Indirectly affects the activities of organizations often forced to reorganize, to continually adapt to meet changes in their products and their environment and determined action in the main scientific and technical knowledge, manifested by acute competition in the national and global change in people's needs and tastes and trends in the economy and society. Organizations and organizational development issues are a topic of great interest for both theorists field and for those directly involved in their operation. This paper examines some of the change that may occur in the organizational environment of our country in order to overcome economic crisis. Overcoming this critical juncture will depend largely on developments in European and international economic climate. The resumption of healthy growth will be determined if the consistency with which Romania will implement drainage and stabilization measures prescribed by international institutions.
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