Relevanţa comunicării în afacerile internaţionale în condiţiile crizei economice actuale

Autor (i): Conf. univ. dr. Liliana Gherman, Asist. univ. drd. Suzana Purice
Cuvinte cheie: economic crisis, business planning and management, communication, strategies
During the economic crisis, a successful business is the one which answers to the tangible needs and produces benefits. In the context of the economic crisis, it is vital to pay a special attention to the planning stage in order to diminish the risk and to eliminate the fail. To administer a crisis can be considered an “art” but also a “science” of management taking into account the unexpected situation and the unusual measures. The business environment is revealed by the interaction of companies, which are represented by people. The international economic business management represents the methods of communication used by the
companies in order to succeed.
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