Dezvoltarea şi perfecţionarea relaţiei inovaţie - capital intelectual - cerinţă a performanţei organizaţionale īn firmele romāneşti

Autor (i): Asist.univ.drd. Ionela-Carmen PIRNEA
Cuvinte cheie: innovation, entrepreneurship, human capital, intellectual capital, structural capital, performance, know-how.
In a knowledge economy, innovation is the competitiveness key and the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in social systems is the result of collaboration between individuals and communities of interest. Managers can not measure the innovative capacity of the organization, but they may improve his performance. Managers can improve the rate and quality of innovation and competitiveness on the market. Intellectual capital through its three forms - human capital, organizational capital and structural capital, it makes organizational performance. The purpose of this article is to highlight the relationship between innovation, intellectual capital and organizational performance. This article is a result of the project POSDRU/88/1.5./S/55287 „Doctoral Programme in Economics at European Knowledge Standards (DOESEC) ". This project is co-funded by the European Social Fund through “The Sectorial Operational Programme for Human Resources” Development 2007-2013, coordinated by The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies in partnership with West University of Timişoara.
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