Factorii competitivităţii la nivel macreconomic īn vederea iesirii economiei romānesti din criză

Autor (i): Conf. univ. dr. Remus Grigorescu
Cuvinte cheie: competitivity, macroeconomic, advantage, development, investment.
Competitiveness represents the power of an entity (person, firm or country) to be in a better position in comparison with other entities as far as the performance criterion is taken into account in the context of a competition.
From the perspective of the European Union “competitiveness is determined by the raise inproductivity” and is reflected by “the continuous growth of a nation’s standard of living”.
Otherwise, the majority of the economists agree with the idea that a nation’s prosperity is determined by productivity measured in terms of the report between the production of goods and services and the unit of resources: knowledge, capital, human resources and natural resources.
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