Autor (i): Nicoleta, Belu Alina, Voiculeţ
JEL: M 54
Cuvinte cheie: human resource, organization, strategic planning, human capital, competitive advantage.

The strategic planning of human resources is an ongoing process closely connected to the mission, vision and goals of an organization. The need for strategic planning arises from the dynamism of social and economic life, with a proactive approach in any type of organization. 

The role of strategic planning of human resources is toensure the right man in the right place at the right time”, as a human resource is the only one with a creative and innovative effect. Thus, there is a synergistic effect between an individual and the organization in which he/she operates, between a human resources strategy and an organization’s overall strategy.

The main objectives of strategic planning are ensuring the necessary human resources, suitability to an organization’s nature and the effective use of human resources in achieving organizational objectives. Analyzing the necessary human resources according to an organization’s objectives and linking them to the existing labour supply and demand, there is an absolutely essential balance in strategic planning. The benefits obtained therefore are undeniable and human capital is transformed into a true competitive advantage. 

The challenges generated by the changes that may occur at any time in any type of organization and which directly affect the existing human resources can be effectively managed through strategic planning
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