The performance is not only multidimensional, but also contingent. It is multidimensional because it involves different action variables and numerous criteria that assess their relevance. Certain performance indicators focus on the customer satisfaction and on the impact created by the organization’s products/services, while others assess the performance of the organization with reference to the competing organizations (market shares).
Having as theme the performance management, the article aims to identify the impact of external communication in order to achieve performance. The working hypothesis of this article has assumed that the efficiency of the information flow regarded in two ways (agency-beneficiary and beneficiary-agency) generates the performance of the agency. It is essential to talk about the communication, not only between the staff from AJOFM Dāmboviţa and its beneficiaries (informing about the services, resolving the claims), but also from beneficiary to the agency (presenting the demands in order to be satisfied).
In the first part we have analyzed the concepts from the perspective of national and international literature, focusing on the specialists’ opinion in this field. In order to support the argument during the scientific approach, we have used as tool a Benchmarking on external communication. The conclusion of the article is that the role of communication is essential in achieving performance.