This paper aims to provide an analysis of available data on organic food market in Romania given the premises and with its growth insights.
As it is known, organic agriculture is a sustainable form of agriculture, a production system implemented in accordance with the principles of the lasting development as well. The organic farming in Romania has been officially recognized and regulated since 2000. An overview on Romanian organic farming is introduced and the data show organic market has increased in Romania in the last decade, but its sales volume was not so significant raised as in other European countries. Beyond that organic production as quantitative registered data is lower, still is mostly imported foodstuffs, with higher added value, while the Romanian exports consist mainly of raw materials. Although it is considered organic food industry as an evolved industry globally, in Romania is not sufficient developed.
In this regard the national market for organic food is still at an emerging stage of development. Nevertheless, the same main constraints for the organic market development have been identified, demonstrating that management and marketing tools should be adapted for organic growth in the food chain.