Autor (i): Paşca Cornelia Serena
JEL: E24, J21
Cuvinte cheie: labour market, employment, unemployment.

The highly centrally planned Romanian economy needed to evolve towards liberalization, with well – defined market mechanisms. The passing on from centralized to market economy, the amendment of manufacture systems stressing on the introduction of new technologies, the change of market from the one directed to eastern countries to the one regarding  the western ones, opened both to Europe and the USA and even Africa, as well as the fact that Romania joined the EU, required for a restructuring of the labor market. The labor market underwent major changes after 1989, due to privatization and mass restructuring and what followed was major economic imbalance, high unemployment rates that determined both regional and international migration. Romanian economy faces extended difficulties in employing manpower, with various delays on the labor market due to a workforce shortage in certain geographic areas or economic branches, considering the difficult conditions brought about by the economic crisis supplemented by technological progress and population aging.Listen

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