Creativity and innovation play an essential part in organization life, being a condition for success. Moreover, when operational conflicts are well managed, organizations may focus on finding new, better and more creative solutions to persevere in becoming a model.
On the ground of a fiercer competitiveness and of the significant global challenges, the innovating practices and the creative solutions represent a springboard towards the economic growth and the welfare of the company.
I have chosen, as business model, the enterprise Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co. KG, the biggest producer of scaffold systems in the world, because: it has a historical background, combines harmoniously and successfully the experience, talent, creativity of three generations and, more importantly, it has a future. Applying an integrated management, a strategic vision, Layher is expanding in a very calculated way on 5 continents and in over 35 countries, among which Romania as well. What started in 1945 with the manufacturing of farming tools made of wood has developed and has become a company with corporate philosophy, giving new vital pulses to the finished product, which is more and more modern, mobile and efficient.
Layher is a business model, an innovative genius, with products of high quality corresponding to the highly increasing requirements of the clients. By means of integrated solutions, Layher makes higher success possible with only 1,500 employees who are extremely qualified and dedicated, chosen from various schools, exigently trained in the company, to be able to permanently answer the required standards.