Autor (i): Cipriana, Sava
JEL: L83, Z32
Cuvinte cheie: cultural tourism, tourist destination, tourist resources, brand, urban environment
The tourist destination is, for the modern tourist, not only ageographic space but a mixture of natural and anthropogenic elements in which human nature plays a special role. Currently, the tourist, besides his/her expectations regarding infrastructure, tourist resources and services, wants to be integrated into the local community, to become part of that destination. Located in west Romania, close to the rivers Timiş and Bega, Timi ş oara has always been the place where people lived in harmony regardless of nationality. In the present European context, its designation, under the brand „Light up your city”, as European Capital of Culture in 2021 is beneficial for the local and national tourism. In 2015 the number of tourist arrivals in Timi ş oara was 279.349, which represents a small percentage of barely 2,81% of the total tourist arrivals in Romania. This title compels the local authorities, the private sector, the NGOs and the local community to collaborate in order to support, develop and promote cultural events. All these are necessary to attract a greater number of tourists in Timi ş oara.
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