Autor (i): Popescu, Constanta Surcel (Georgescu), Antoaneta Roxana
JEL: M530, J24
Cuvinte cheie: learning organization, human resource, learning process, performance
In a learning organization, the activities are conducted in a dynamic stimulating environment whereas the human resource is involved in a continuously creating, acquisition or knowledge transfer activity. The learning organization in the pre-university environment represents that place where the teaching staff learns on a continuous basis in order to adapt to the training needs of their pupils and the requirements of the labour market. Teachers have the possibility to permanently develop both professionally and personally. They do not cease to grow, they are not content with mediocre results, they are constantly involved in developing their creativity and didactic innovation. The organization’s success relies on a continuous learning process and encompasses elements achieved in common, within departments and individually, through personal efforts. This research presents the most important results on the challenges faced by teaching staff within a learning organization. The data were collected following application of a questionnaire on a representative sample of teaching staff in pre-university education in the county, teachers who carry out their activities in academic, technological and vocational high schools. The data were used to outline an overview on the performance of the activity of the teaching staff within a large organization based on an ample learning process.  
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