Autor (i): Adrian Ducu Matei
JEL: H57, O10, P47
Cuvinte cheie: trust, economic crisis, corruption, economy
is paper emphasizes the fact that public investment in times of crisis can be an opportunity for economic rebalancing provided that certain principles and rules stipulated by legislation are observed and also if it is subject to adequate control. Following both the regulation and functional errors in national and international mechanisms, some legislative and institutional changes were made. These changes were carried out at European level through the adoption of new EU directives on public procurement at national level but also at national level through new legislation transposing European directives. Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth is about a vision of the social market economy competitive in Europe for a period of ten years, based on three interdependent and mutually reinforcing priorities: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation; promoting a competitive economy, with low emissions of carbon dioxide and efficient in terms of resource usage; and promoting an economy with a high employment rate, ensuring social and territorial cohesion. Public procurement is an important element, as it is one of the market tools that can be used to achieve those objectives. Procurement markets and, in particular, major work projects are often considered a sensitive area where corruption scenarios are carried out either by manipulating the tender documentation in favour of bidders or by using intermediary companies to cover illegal activities. 
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