Autor (i): Gheorghe Sebastian, Iacob Mihaela Loredana, Bădina (Rădulescu)
JEL: D83
Cuvinte cheie: organizational culture, organizational behavior, factors, specificity.
There are numerous writings and views regarding organizational culture both nationally and especially internationally. Scientists, teachers, academics expressed their opinions and made various definitions and general approaches to the subject. It is undeniable that we all live in a society organizational. Reason organizations essence was the same in all times and the importance of belonging to a group defined by common concerns and interests is what makes an organization work. An organization can be defined as a group of people who, based on division of labor, work together pursuing the same goals and objectives. Organizational culture is one of the major problems of a company. It is researched by academics who concluded that the cultural dimension is a central pillar in all aspects of organizational life, even in those organizations where cultural aspects  receive little attention. How people think, how they feel, what they are their values, all of which are guided by ideas and beliefs of their cultural nature. 
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