Autor (i): Ph.D. Student Octavian Bărnuţiu, Ph.D. Student Raul Erdei1
JEL: O31, O52, I25
Cuvinte cheie: innovation, NUTS 2 regions, patent indicators
The paper aims to examine the relationship between regional innovation and some main determinants, through a regression analysis, using the patent data as statistical indicators of the innovation activity. Analysis is carried at the 265 NUTS 2 regions of the European Union (28 countries) in the period 2008-2015, based on patent data provided by the European Patent Office and highlights the special role of the investment in the research activity in developing innovative capacity. Also, a greater share of the population with tertiary education can be a real support in the innovation process. Instead, the absolute increase of the demographic pool seems not to be a driver in this process, which is more important when we have considered the patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT procedure) than the EPO patent applications was used.