Autor (i): Dănciulescu, Laurentiu-Andrei
Cuvinte cheie: Criminality, Fraud, European Union, evasion, taxes.
Paradoxically, economic criminality is based both on fulminant technological developments and centuries-old human traits: greed, desire for power, attachment to material values, luxury. According to Europol reports, there are over 3600 economic organizations in the European Union with a high level of expertise supported by great mobility and connectivity. The magnitude of this phenomenon and the risks it entails in relation to the rule of law, with national and EU budgets have led states to work together to create a complex and effective form of cooperation for the prevention, combating and sanctioning of economic criminality. A large number of Member States of the European Union already have some form of administrative synergy, even if it is not so named. 
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