Autor (i): Mariana-Cristina, Cioponea
JEL: E62
Cuvinte cheie: budget balance, budget deficit, public expenditure, public debt, fiscal policy
For many countries, in recent decades, a characteristic feature of public finances was the budget imbalance, so the situation in Romania in recent years does not appear to be out of the question. Taking into account the fact that the fiscal-budget flows are formed and operate on the real circuit of the economy, they are influenced by decisions of economic, political, social or personal nature. A high-performance of fiscal policy must know and anticipate the potential disruptive factors for the public budget in order to adopt "on the go" measures to limit and counteract the adverse effects that may arise. The budget deficits that have succeeded in our country since 1989 are chronic. These are not dangerous simply because they prove the lack of financial means for the normal functioning of the state, but rather the complexity of the factors that have generated and maintain them, as well as the financial and economic implications that follow.
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