Autor (i): Mihaela, Diaconu
JEL: D63,J14,M19,M38
Cuvinte cheie: accessibility, affordable tourism, tourism for all, inclusive tourism, senior tourism, accessible tourism market
The paper aims at raising the awareness of the actors responsible for the development of tourism on the emergence of new segments of tourism consumers generated by the elderly and those with temporary capacities or permanently restricted as direct beneficiaries of accessibility. The paper is based on the definition of accessibility in tourism starting from the trends of the tourism market from a socio-demographic perspective, on the presentation of the implications of the aging process on the structure of tourism market demand, on describing the experiences and the initiative for supporting accessible tourism. Accessibility must be approached as a parameter of the quality and functionality of the tourism supply components, but also as part of responsible and sustainable tourism policy and strategy. The accessible tourism market in Europe is estimated at about 27% of the total population and about 12% of the tourist market. According to world health statistics, the proportion of tourists in the senior category will account for 22% of the world's population in 2050 plus the population with disabilities and families with young children. Developing travel opportunities for people with disabilities provides a fundamental human right, but it is also an exceptional opportunity to develop business. 
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