Autor (i): Elena Pătraşcu (Suditu); Daniela Muraru (Pahome)
JEL: M12
Cuvinte cheie: quality management, quality assurance, ethics management.
Journalistic publications in Romania have recorded an increasing number of abuse cases in schools. More and more teachers have become subjects in the files examined by the National Anticorruption Department, either because of the irregularities recorded at the national examinations, or because of other immoral activities conducted outside of school. In order to stop this “TREND”, The Ministry of Education and Research decided to establish in 2011 The National Ethics Council for School Education and to publish The Ethics Code for School Education in 2014. In the same year, ethics committees have been established at the school level, and these committees have drafted management plans and activity plans. At present, the work of these committees is formal and very little visible. In fact, the work is hampered by the lack of documentation and superficial knowledge of legal regulations that should be the base of the decisions taken by the committee. There are no procedures, the members of these committees had not been trained in the field of ethics management and, most of all, customs are often confused with the law and any action is analyzed according to the school’s traditions and not according to regulations.  In some schools a merger of the quality assurance committee with the committee of integrity / ethics is considered. This is because the first committee has a number of documents that can serve as base for the ethics committee documentation. There are, however, institutions that are trying to keep the two committees with separate responsibilities in order to work together to correlate the documentation for the school. This article deals with a critical analysis of the current state and the perspectives regarding the ethical management and the quality assurance management in secondary education institutions.
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