Autor (i): Nicoleta, Belu, Alina,Voiculeţ
Cuvinte cheie: communication, education system, education, performance
Communication regarded as an essential element of human existence ensures the transfer of information, ideas, feelings with the help of certain communication processes and networks. Human communication is not limited to uttering words and transmitting information: when words are uttered, one’s voice and tone are involved, then body language adds to the words and the tone, then one’s appearance, mimic, posture, gestures, clothing quality and colour, etc. are added to the words and tone. This complex set of stimuli is divided into two categories: analogue language and digital language, accordingly carrying analogue information and digital information. At school level, it is communication that facilitates the educational act itself, being the basis of the teaching-learning process as well as of the various relationships that arise in such a context. The trainertrainee relationship remains a major issue for any performance-based education system.
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