Autor (i): Păunescu, Loredana Maria
JEL: A, A2, A23
Cuvinte cheie: sustainability, educational system, market indicators, labor market, university graduates.
The study of the labor market is important because of its proper functioning is vital for economic competitiveness, both now and in the future. When competitiveness is seen as potentially increasing the size and effective use of their available resources are essential. In research conducted, we started to focus on human resource contribution to economic competitiveness is determined by the size of the labor supply, its qualification and labor market flexibility. The current dynamics of the global economy, human capital is the most important pillar for a competitive and valorization should consider the creation of conditions for development to ensure equality in access to essential services related to quality of life and programs to support labor mobility based on economic needs. Education is a key factor with direct impact on the economy through the crucial role it plays in workforce training to meet current market requirements. One of the most important tasks is to bridge the gap between supply and demand by creating a university economic.inteligent. Developing and maintaining a competitive regional economy depends on increasing training and adaptability of labor and based on a better correlation and interdependence between work and training process. Regarding South region, creating a healthy market and performance of the workforce is vital for the sustainable development of the region, following our proposal in this regard, providing key strategic actions needed to increase performance and economic competitiveness of the region. To test the statistical significance of the regression model ANOVA was used methodology for a significance threshold of α = 0.05 (95% Confidence Level). In order to study dependencies between GDP and MMR in the first phase were analyzed time evolution of the two indicators. The period 2004-2008 is a period of significant upward trend GDP. The second period, between the years 2008 - 2011 is a period of development characterized by alternating a drastic reduction in 2008-2009 and gradually recover in 2009-2011. In the third period, 2011-2017, the regional GDP registered a bottom-up process. Regional GDP evolution was linear.