Autor (i): Dr. Victor Platon; Dr. Andreea Constantinescu
JEL: Q32, Q35, C30
Cuvinte cheie: Oil production, statistical modelling, simple regression, polynomial equation
Oil production is a major topic in the Europe 2030 Energy Strategy. The evolution of oil production
during 1990-2018 is a fair indicator of the state of the Romanian national economy and of the trends at
European level. The steady decrease in the quantities of extracted oil both at EU level and in Romania is
representative for the new trends regarding energy resources and atmosphere pollution. It is a scientifically
proven fact that oil production is a source of CO2 emissions, the main pollution factor in the world. The research
presented in this article aims to identify an integrative model for oil production in Romania. This model will
allow a better management of Romania's energy resources and the possibility of optimizing them in the future.
Three time series models have been developed to model oil production. From their analysis, the most significant
model was chosen, with the best indicators. The article aimed at achieving the following results: analysis of the
structure and volume of oil production at national and EU level; achieving an integrative model of oil
production in Romania; conclusions on oil production in Romania.