Autor (i): Leontina Codruţa, Andriţoiu
JEL: I29, I25
Cuvinte cheie: education, Romania, educational policies, vocational training, school dropout
In this paper I aimed to outline an analysis of the current educational policies developed by the Ministry of National Education applied at the level of pre-university and university education in Romania. The present research captures aspects regarding the modern educational policies elaborated to be applied at the level of the Romanian education, the way of their implementation and the results obtained. The research will be carried out at national level in the period 2016-2019. In the research I used the observation method based on the description of policies developed by MEN. Secondly, we analyzed the reports on the state of Romanian education and outlined the positive and negative aspects regarding the state of education in our country. The results highlight that, MEN continues the reforms in the field of education and training, in order to ensure an education adapted to the demands of the labor market, centered on personal and social development, with a positive impact on preventing and combating early school leaving and school dropout. MEN continues to carry out annual social programs in order to support students from disadvantaged areas, by creating conditions for providing equal opportunities for education for students from high risk groups.  
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