Autor (i): Loredana Maria Păunescu
JEL: J08, J11, J61
Cuvinte cheie: piața muncii, Romānia, salariu minim, șomaj, migrație
Development and modernization eonomiei country can not be done only in accordance with changes in
the labor market, structural changes and employment. The peculiarities of this process derives from the
structure of the economy, performance, and hence economic potential, readiness and multiple possibilities for
improving labor. The essential condition for ensuring macroeconomic balance and socio-political stability in
any society, is employment. It is a complex, dynamic, real interest for both economic and social partners, to
present and future has implications on several levels: economic, psychosocial, educational, cultural and
political. Currently, the major objective of economic policy of all countries is to increase the employment of
labor and diminishing unemployment.
The labor market in Romania has a degree of instability corresponding general coordinates of the
current economic situation. Romanian citizens have assumed new responsibilities, new roles of social, economic
and political, and have used skills and experience in a completely different context, resulting from the
convergent action of private initiative, competition and social insecurity.
The main problems encountered in the labor market are related to a relatively low participation,
particularly from certain social categories of high unemployment among some groups of the population, an
internal mobility reduced, a high tax revenues from the use of force labor limited relevance of education to labor
market needs and the availability of legal and administrative barriers affecting the operation of companies and
therefore job creation. These are causes that reduce employment opportunities for people of working age and
contribute to encouraging external migration.
In our country, the low level of economic competitiveness has put pressure on labor, generating a
substantial tax in the work. The economic model adopted by Romania, based on labor competitiveness in a
context where economic growth no longer generates wealth, catalyzed inequalities in the labor market and they
have become increasingly visible. Differences in the labor market are clearly identified between urban and rural
areas and between certain economic sectors.
Globalization catalyst for migration, fundamental rights and freedoms impact on the European labor market and
demographic decline have affected the number of unemployed in Romania, with it being affected growth.
Tensions on the labor market in Romania including derives from its inefficient management and a noncompliance of supply-demand ratio in terms of skills. Reduced interconnection of labor market institutions (lack
of a coherent institutional synergies), a weak correlation between needs and demand in the labor market, with
connotations acute in certain regions. We can not talk about the labor market and structural reforms without
taking into account the main imbalance that occurs in this market, namely unemployment. One of the main
determinants in the analysis of unemployment is the incompatibility between skills available and those demanded
by the labor market. Quality of education and job training, the percentage of young people who benefit from this
training are factors determining employment young. Unemployment is high in countries where labor is not
prepared or qualified.