Autor (i): Elsia GJIKA
JEL: M41
Cuvinte cheie: Tax Administration, financial analysis, tax risk.
The Tax Administration's activity and performance are important to be considered and studied to
understand the factors that promote the performance improvement of this key institution in achieving the
strategic objectives of the governance of each country. The objectives of the Tax Administration are the
realization and administration of tax revenues for national taxes, public payments and collection of social
security contributions. A majority activity of the Tax Administration has to do with the review of the data
obtained from the financial statements and tax returns of the entities, and the use of this information to identify
the highest risk subjects to carry out tax evasion.Initially, the study focuses on discovering the degree of
recognition and use of financial ratios by tax inspectors in identifying high-risk tax evaders. Further, using
statistical analysis, the paper identifies which are the most important financial ratios that can help tax inspectors
in their daily work. From the analysis of the paper we find that a significant part of the tax evasion is revealed
by the controls proposed by the tax inspectors and that the level of recognition and use of financial ratios on
their part is neitherappropriate nor adequate. The study is of practical value because it is the first of its kind and
is intended to provide valuable recommendations to related parties such as the extension of using financial
analysis and ratios in determining tax risk of various subjects.
In this context, this paper focuses on identifying the impact that financial analysis may have on improving
the performance of the tax administration