Autor (i): Camelia Andreea, Rizea
JEL: I21, I29
Cuvinte cheie: remote teaching, education, classroom instruction, educational challenges, learning
environment, future trends.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shuttered schools across the world, upending traditional approaches to
education. The sudden shift to remote teaching and added caretaking responsibilities at home have created a
uniquely stressful and demanding context for teachers’ work. Major concerns exist about teachers’ wellbeing
during the pandemic and their ability to successfully deliver instruction remotely. Teachers have also expressed
apprehension about their willingness to return to the classroom when schools are able to reopen. Even more
troubling are projections of substantial student learning loss and the likelihood that differential access to
technology and learning supports at home are exacerbating longstanding achievement gaps along racial and
socio-economic lines.
The present paper outlines the substantial challenges created by the sudden move to remote teaching,
the difficulties encountered by teachers in their work and the limited degree to which students can engage in
learning. We have also tried to discover the supportive working conditions which have been far more successful
at helping teachers maintain a sense of success during the pandemic.