Autor (i): Ramona Elena, Chițu
JEL: I 121
Cuvinte cheie: e-assessment, motivation, memorization, leaners? knowledge, theory-based, authenticity
Assessing higher education students’ knowledge has been subject to criticism for many years, hence the wide array of suggestions of evaluation methods put forward by scholars and teachers alike. The shift to online teaching has brought along the shift to online assessment, which, if carefully performed and well monitored and followed-up, can prove to be a useful means for bringing to a standstill the memorization of information in isolated and unlinked chunks, most of which were to be quickly forgotten, shortly after the exam. This paper aims to make a comparison between traditional and online assessment and to outline the benefits and drawbacks of each, based on some students’ point of view. Notwithstanding the efficiency and reliability of old-paradigm, time-constrained written tests, we aim to suggest a number of ways in which assessment can be improved. 
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