Autor (i): Bianca ? Cristina Voiculescu (Procopiu)1 Cornel Zamfirescu2
JEL: M12, M16, M20
Cuvinte cheie: management, performance, objectives, improvement, organizations, principles
Performance management is not an easy field to follow, since it is constantly evolving and hence the need for an efficient performance management system. The new performance management trends appear every year and, too often, the employees are left feeling inefficient or unmotivated, and the managers are frustrated because of the poor levels of individual and team performance. Fortunately, more and more organizations are realizing the importance and benefits of the effective performance management systems. The first step towards revitalizing and improving the existing performance processes is to understand what an effective performance management system is, which is the key to the overall functioning of the organization and the achievement of objectives.
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