Autor (i): Irena Arădăvoaicei (Apolzan) Cosmin Sandu Bădele Dr. Lucian Ivan
JEL: H12, D81
Cuvinte cheie: crisis, crisis management.
Today, we live in a world of multiple crises whose social, economic, and humanitarian impact is becoming increasingly difficult to manage! The increasing scale and frequency of crises facing contemporary society, driven mainly by climate change, pandemics, and the effects of hybrid threats, are increasingly generating situations of overlapping crises. Starting from the attempt to define "crisis", the scientific approach aimed to make a comparative analysis of the most used crisis management models, namely the "life cycle" and the "relational model". At the same time, our research reveals that the practical approach of crisis management complements the classical event- or process-focused view of crisis management. The evolution of the crises facing contemporary society shows us that the post-crisis phase offers opportunities to learn and prepare for future crises, which entails the development of a circular process of crisis management, in which post-crisis becomes pre-crisis. Taking as a benchmark the level of threats facing contemporary society - hyper-volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous ("V.U.C.A.”), we conclude that for better management of crisis situations by decisionmakers, research on crisis management models should be pursued including the “crisis as practice” approach. 
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