Autor (i): Drd Andreea-Cristina Savu Dr Cristina Gabriela Vasciuc Săndulescu
JEL: M40, M41, M42
Cuvinte cheie: inteligența artificială, contabilitatea, schimbare, automatizare
The repetitive and automated nature of many tasks in accounting requires a change and adaptation of the
tools that artificial intelligence gives us, for example, machine learning models of data can significantly reduce
fraud, improve trust, increase accuracy and efficiency.
There is no doubt that artificial intelligence and automation will revolutionize the way we work. But how will this
affect one of the world's oldest professions? Accounting is a profession that requires years of training and practice. It is
easy to believe that the field of accounting is immune to major transformations, yet we are at a fundamental turning point.
The repetitive and automated nature of many accounting tasks suggests it's time for change.
The objective of the article is to determine whether machine learning models applied to data can reduce
fraud, improve trust and increase compliance.
The juxtaposition of artificial intelligence technology and the field of accounting places the profession at
the center of an exciting new era. This creates the potential to do more with the limited resources we have,
administrative tasks are automated, accountants can use their time and energy for creativity, analysis and
interpretation of accounting data that will bring real value to the economic entity.
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