Autor (i): Liviu C. Andrei Dalina-Maria Andrei
JEL: E22, F21
Cuvinte cheie: oreign direct investments, direct investments abroad, external balance of payments,
economic theories.
This paper below is continuing once more on our studies about international directly invested capital.
This latest approach of ours still aims to detect such specific flows across the world as resulting from data
provided by the UNCTAD’s specific statistics for the 1990-2015 interval the way that equations, in general, are
supposed to be solved once their unknowns are found. This case still is one of „a single equation with several
unknowns”. And here the previous methods, as well as descriptions, will bear some adjustments in the below
lines, despite the model that remains the same as in our previous papers, and some of our previous conclusions
will here come to adjust, as well. But first of all it is our theory on FDI requiring its assertion, together with its
specific model – i.e. another kind of model.